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🎓 Conquering ‘Les Lettres et les Nombres’: Why Early Mastery Matters

🎓 Conquering ‘Les Lettres et les Nombres’: Why Early Mastery Matters

“Enchanté 1: Les Lettres et les Nombres”! 📖✨ This isn’t just another lesson; it’s a journey through the alphabet and beyond, where each letter and number becomes a building block for your child’s future.

In this blog, we argue the case for early mastery of these fundamentals with a zeal that’s infectious. We believe that understanding the ‘A-B-Cs’ and ‘1-2-3s’ in French isn’t just about getting ahead—it’s about setting a course for life-long learning and curiosity.

Join us as we dissect the nuances of pronunciation, the joy of clear communication, and the triumph of seeing your child spell and count with confidence. With our insights, your little linguist isn’t just learning—they’re excelling in a bilingual world.

Let’s make those letters and numbers count! 🚀🎓


Exercise: Choose the Correct Pronunciation

Lesson Name: Enchanté! Lesson 1: Pronunciation Wonders in French

  1. How do you pronounce the French letter ‘A’?
    • A) ay
    • B) ah
    • C) aa
  2. What is the correct pronunciation for ‘B’?
    • A) bay
    • B) bee
    • C) bah
  3. Choose the pronunciation for ‘C’ in French.
    • A) see
    • B) say
    • C) ca
  4. How is ‘D’ pronounced in French?
    • A) day
    • B) dee
    • C) duh
  5. Select the pronunciation for the French ‘E’.
    • A) ee
    • B) eh
    • C) ay
  6. What is the correct pronunciation of ‘F’?
    • A) eff
    • B) fa
    • C) fee
  7. How do you say ‘G’ in French?
    • A) gee
    • B) guh
    • C) zhay
  8. Choose the correct pronunciation for ‘H’.
    • A) aitch
    • B) haa
    • C) ash
  9. What is the pronunciation of ‘I’ in French?
    • A) ee
    • B) ai
    • C) ih
  10. How should ‘J’ be pronounced?
    • A) jay
    • B) zhay
    • C) yee
  11. Select the pronunciation for ‘K’.
    • A) kay
    • B) kaa
    • C) kuh
  12. What is the correct pronunciation for ‘L’?
    • A) el
    • B) la
    • C) lee
  13. Choose the correct pronunciation of ‘M’.
    • A) em
    • B) mah
    • C) mee
  14. How is ‘N’ pronounced in French?
    • A) en
    • B) nun
    • C) nee
  15. Select the pronunciation for the French letter ‘O’.
    • A) oh
    • B) oo
    • C) oe 


      1. **B) ah**
      2. **A) bay**
      3. **B) say**
      4. **A) day**
      5. **B) eh**
      6. **A) eff**
      7. **C) zhay**
      8. **C) ash**
      9. **A) ee**
      10. **B) zhay**
      11. **A) kay**
      12. **A) el**
      13. **A) em**
      14. **A) en**
      15. **A) oh**

      In the journey of learning a language, every correct pronunciation is a victory against the commonplace errors that plague learners. It’s these victories that build a fortress of understanding and fluency, one phoneme at a time.