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It is a well-known fact that Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken native language in the world and it is spoken by over a billion people. With China’s growing influence in international trade, economics, and world politics, the Chinese language has become one of the most influential international and business languages in the world as of now, and learning the Chinese language can open several gateways of career and other opportunities.
Well, here we present a list of seven well-known celebrities who can speak Chinese among which few are surprisingly very fluent.

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg | Celebrity who can speak Chinese
Mark Zuckerberg is the co-founder and CEO of meta platforms formerly known as Facebook Inc. He is a well-known figure worldwide who is currently the fifth richest person in the world and one of the most powerful and influential people in the world as of now according to Forbes. Mark started to learn Chinese because his wife Priscilla Chan is a native Chinese. He is quite fluent in Chinese and his most popular Chinese speech was the 20 min long speech which he presented entirely in mandarin at Tsinghua University in Beijing in 2014.

Mira Sorvino

Mira Sorvino | Celebrity who can speak Chinese
Mira Katherine Sorvino aka Mira Sorvino is an American film and TV actress who is famous for her academy and golden globe award-winning performance for the movie Mighty Aphrodite and Emmy award-winning performance for the series human Trafficking. Mira majored in East Asian studies from Harvard University. During her time at Harvard, she spent one year in Beijing as an exchange student where she became fluent in Mandarin Chinese. In an interview, she has stated that she can still speak Chinese fluently.

John Cena

John cena | Celebrity who can speak Chinese
John Cena is a professional wrestler of WWE and a movie star who is considered as one of the greatest professional performing wrestlers of all time and a worldwide celebrity. Initially, WWE made him do a small promo speech in Mandarin as a part of their Chinese marketing campaign during which he became so fascinated and obsessed with the language and started learning the language with the help of a private tutor. At present, he is pretty good at conversing in Chinese.
Kevin Rudd

Kevin Rudd | Celebrity who can speak Chinese
Kevin Rudd is a former Prime Minister of Australia who served the office from 2007 to 2010 and also for a short period of time in 2013. Regarding Chinese fluency, well one can say that he is an expert because he majored in Chinese language and Chinese history and became proficient in Mandarin Chinese. He has revealed that his fascination with the Chinese language and culture started at a young age. He has also served as an Australian diplomat in Beijing from 1984 to 1987.

Vanessa Branch

Vanessa Branch | Celebrity who can speak Chinese
Vanessa Branch is a British actress who has played numerous supporting roles in many movies and TV series especially in Pirates of the Caribbean, John Q, CSI Miami, Star Trek, Gilmore Girls, etc. She is a lover of languages and she learned to speak Chinese along with French. It is said that she is the first non-Asian star to have a Chinese-speaking lead role.

Herbert Hoover

Well, this may come as a surprise to many but Herbert Hoover who served as the 31st president of the United States from 1929 to 1933 had a career in Engineering and business before entering into politics. Herbert Hoover is basically a mining Engineer and has spent quite a few years along with his wife in China especially in the Tianjin region around the late 1890s till early 1900s developing mines during which he learned to speak the language. During his presidency, Hoover and his wife used to converse in Chinese to prevent others from eavesdropping.

Park Geun-Hye

Park Geun Hye is a former president of South Korea from 2013 to 2017. She was the first woman to be elected as President in South Korea. She is a studious person and a lover of the Chinese language, philosophy, and Chinese history and hence she learned the language. Her Chinese speech during her visit to China became so popular.

Are you intrigued after reading this article? Do you want to learn Chinese? Even you can become fluent in Mandarin Chinese within a few months if you start learning from today itself. If you are looking for a good online Chinese trainer or if you are looking for a good Mandarin Chinese trainer in Chennai then chinesefrench.com is the right place for you. For more inquiries, please contact @ +91 80560 67367 or aruna@chinesefrench.com or visit our website, www.chinesefrench.com.