bù shǎo, hěn shǎo, tèbié hǎo – The difference between and how to use it

bù shǎo, hěn shǎo, tèbié hǎo – The difference between and how to use it

Learning a new language like Mandarin, for instance, offers insight into Chinese culture, history, and way of thinking. It’s not just about memorizing vocabulary and grammar rules; it’s about understanding the subtleties and nuances that shape communication. Phrases like “bù shǎo” (not few) and “tèbié hǎo” (especially good) offer glimpses into the intricate structure and expressive nature of the Chinese language.

For professionals, being multilingual can be a significant asset, facilitating international collaboration and market expansion. For travelers, it provides a richer and more authentic experience.




(especially good) in a tabular format:

MandarinPinyinEnglish MeaningExample MandarinExample PinyinExample English
不少 (not few, many)bù shǎoMany, a lot, quite a few我有不少朋友。Wǒ yǒu bù shǎo péngyou.I have quite a few friends.
这里有不少花。Zhèlǐ yǒu bù shǎo huā.There are many flowers here.
她买了不少衣服。Tā mǎi le bù shǎo yīfu.She bought quite a few clothes.
不少学生喜欢那本书。Bù shǎo xuéshēng xǐhuān nà běn shū.Many students like that book.
我们学校有不少外国学生。Wǒmen xuéxiào yǒu bù shǎo wàiguó xuéshēng.Our school has quite a few foreign students.
很少 (very few, rarely)hěn shǎoVery few, seldom, rarely我很少看电视。Wǒ hěn shǎo kàn diànshì.I rarely watch TV.
他很少说谎。Tā hěn shǎo shuō huǎng.He rarely tells lies.
这家商店很少打折。Zhè jiā shāngdiàn hěn shǎo dǎzhé.This store rarely has sales.
我很少吃早餐。Wǒ hěn shǎo chī zhāocān.I rarely eat breakfast.
他们很少见面。Tāmen hěn shǎo jiànmiàn.They rarely meet.
特别好 (especially good)tèbié hǎoEspecially good, particularly good这家餐厅的菜特别好。Zhè jiā cāntīng de cài tèbié hǎo.This restaurant’s dishes are especially good.
他的英语特别好。Tā de yīngyǔ tèbié hǎo.His English is particularly good.
我觉得这本书特别好。Wǒ juéde zhè běn shū tèbié hǎo.I think this book is especially good.
这个电影特别好看。Zhè gè diànyǐng tèbié hǎokàn.This movie is particularly good to watch.
她唱歌的声音特别好听。Tā chànggē de shēngyīn tèbié hǎotīng.Her singing voice is especially pleasant to listen to.



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