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Developing Chinese – 8th lesson

Developing Chinese – 8th lesson


Developing Chinese Speaking – 8th lesson

1. 请问,超市在哪儿?
Qǐngwèn, chāoshì zài nǎr?
Excuse me, where is the supermarket?

2. 请问,洗手间在什么地方?
Qǐngwèn, xǐshǒujiān zài shénme dìfang?
Excuse me, where is the bathroom?

3. 请问,这个地方有银行吗?
Qǐngwèn, zhège dìfang yǒu yínháng ma?
Excuse me, is there a bank in this place?

4. 请问,学校前面有地铁站吗?
Qǐngwèn, xuéxiào qiánmiàn yǒu dìtiězhàn ma?
Excuse me, is there a subway station in front of the school?

5. 请问,附近有车站吗?
Qǐngwèn, fùjìn yǒu chēzhàn ma?
Excuse me, is there a station nearby?

6. 请问,哪儿有中国银行?远吗?
Qǐngwèn, nǎr yǒu Zhōngguó Yínháng? Yuǎn ma?
Excuse me, where is the Bank of China? Is it far?

7. 你家在学校附近吗?你家远吗?
Nǐ jiā zài xuéxiào fùjìn ma? Nǐ jiā yuǎn ma?
Is your home near the school? Is your home far?


We can able to answer these questions in 3 ways:


First Type of Answer:

1. 请问,超市在哪儿?
Qǐngwèn, chāoshì zài nǎr?
Excuse me, where is the supermarket?

– 超市就在前面的街道上。
– Chāoshì jiù zài qiánmiàn de jiēdào shàng.
– The supermarket is just on the street ahead.

2. 请问,洗手间在什么地方?
Qǐngwèn, xǐshǒujiān zài shénme dìfang?
Excuse me, where is the bathroom?

– 洗手间在楼下,旁边的走廊里。
– Xǐshǒujiān zài lóuxià, pángbiān de zǒuláng lǐ.
– The bathroom is downstairs, in the corridor next to here.

3. 请问,这个地方有银行吗?
Qǐngwèn, zhège dìfang yǒu yínháng ma?
Excuse me, is there a bank in this place?

– 有的,银行在两个街区以外。
– Yǒu de, yínháng zài liǎng gè jiēqū yǐwài.
– Yes, the bank is two blocks away.

4. 请问,学校前面有地铁站吗?
Qǐngwèn, xuéxiào qiánmiàn yǒu dìtiězhàn ma?
Excuse me, is there a subway station in front of the school?

– 有,地铁站距离学校只有五分钟的路程。
– Yǒu, dìtiězhàn jùlí xuéxiào zhǐ yǒu wǔ fēnzhōng de lùchéng.
– Yes, the subway station is only a five-minute walk from the school.

Explanation距离 (Jùlí): This word means “distance from” or “away from.” It is used to describe the spatial relationship between two places.

  • 距 (jù): This character consists of the radical “足” (zú), which means foot or to walk, and is often associated with movement or travel. The other part of the character is “巨” (jù), which means large. Together, they form a character that conveys the idea of measuring or keeping a distance, in line with the concept of travel or movement.
  • 离 (lí): The radical in this character is “禸” (róu), which depicts the track of an animal and is associated with the idea of movement or departure. The rest of the character includes “木” (mù), meaning tree, and “亠” (tóu), a component often seen in various Chinese characters. The overall meaning of 离 revolves around the concept of separation or departure, fitting into the idea of distance.

路程 (lùchéng):

  • 路 (lù): The radical of this character is “足” (zú), as in 距, indicating a connection to walking or travel. The rest of the character contains “各” (gè), which contributes to the meaning of a path or a road, tying into the theme of a journey or route.
  • 程 (chéng): Here, the radical is “禾” (hé), which is related to grain or cereal and is often used in characters connected to growth or development. The other part of the character is “呈” (chéng), which means to present or appear. Together, they form a character that can be interpreted as the progression or course of something, like a journey or a process.

5. 请问,附近有车站吗?
Qǐngwèn, fùjìn yǒu chēzhàn ma?
Excuse me, is there a station nearby?

– 附近的车站在图书馆后面。
– Fùjìn de chēzhàn zài túshūguǎn hòumiàn.
– The nearby station is behind the library.

6. 请问,哪儿有中国银行?远吗?
Qǐngwèn, nǎr yǒu Zhōngguó Yínháng? Yuǎn ma?
Excuse me, where is the Bank of China? Is it far?

– 中国银行不远,在商业街上,步行十分钟可以到。
– Zhōngguó Yínháng bù yuǎn, zài shāngyè jiē shàng, bùxíng shí fēnzhōng kěyǐ dào.
– The Bank of China is not far; it’s on the commercial street, a ten-minute walk away.


1. 商业街 (Shāngyè jiē) – “Commercial street”:
– 商 (Shāng): The radical is “口” (kǒu), meaning mouth. The rest of the character “昜” (yáng) contributes to the meaning of commerce or trade.
– 业 (Yè): The radical is “业” itself, representing business or industry.
–  街 (Jiē): The radical is “行” (háng), previously discussed as a step or movement. The other part, “圭” (guī), contributes to the meaning of a street or thoroughfare.

2. 步行 (Bùxíng) – “Walk”:
– 步 (Bù): The radical is “止” (zhǐ), indicating foot or stopping. The rest of the character “卜” (bu) complements the meaning of step or walk.
– 行 (Xíng): As in “银行,” the radical is “彳” (chì), and the rest of the character “亍” (chù) contributes to the meaning of to go or to travel.

3.  到 (Dào) – “To reach” or “arrive”:
– 到 (Dào): The radical is “刂” (dāo), a variant of knife or blade. The other part, “至” (zhì), means to arrive or reach.


7. 你家在学校附近吗?你家远吗?
Nǐ jiā zài xuéxiào fùjìn ma? Nǐ jiā yuǎn ma?
Is your home near the school? Is your home far?

– 我家就在学校旁边的小区里。
– Wǒ jiā jiù zài xuéxiào pángbiān de xiǎoqū lǐ.
– My home is in the residential area right next to the school.

II Type of answers:

1. 请问,超市在哪儿?
Qǐngwèn, chāoshì zài nǎr?
Excuse me, where is the supermarket?

– 超市在附近的购物中心内。
– Chāoshì zài fùjìn de gòuwù zhōngxīn nèi

– The supermarket is in the nearby shopping center.

2. 请问,洗手间在什么地方?
Qǐngwèn, xǐshǒujiān zài shénme dìfang?
Excuse me, where is the bathroom?

– 洗手间在二楼,电梯旁边。
– Xǐshǒujiān zài èr lóu, diàntī pángbiān.
– The bathroom is on the second floor, next to the elevator.

3. 请问,这个地方有银行吗?
Qǐngwèn, zhège dìfang yǒu yínháng ma?
Excuse me, is there a bank in this place?

– 这里没有银行,最近的银行需要坐公交车去。
– Zhèlǐ méiyǒu yínháng, zuìjìn de yínháng xūyào zuò gōngjiāochē qù.
– There is no bank here; the nearest one requires taking the bus.

4. 请问,学校前面有地铁站吗?
Qǐngwèn, xuéxiào qiánmiàn yǒu dìtiězhàn ma?
Excuse me, is there a subway station in front of the school?

– 学校前面没有地铁站,但是有公交车站。
– Xuéxiào qiánmiàn méiyǒu dìtiězhàn, dànshì yǒu gōngjiāochēzhàn.
– There is no subway station in front of the school, but there is a bus stop.

5. 请问,附近有车站吗?
Qǐngwèn, fùjìn yǒu chēzhàn ma?
Excuse me, is there a station nearby?

– 附近有一个长途汽车站。
– Fùjìn yǒu yīgè chángtú qìchēzhàn.
– There is a long-distance bus station nearby.

6. 请问,哪儿有中国银行?远吗?
Qǐngwèn, nǎr yǒu Zhōngguó Yínháng? Yuǎn ma?
Excuse me, where is the Bank of China? Is it far?

– 中国银行在市中心,需要乘坐地铁。
– Zhōngguó Yínháng zài shì zhōngxīn, xūyào chéngzuò dìtiě.
– The Bank of China is in the city center, you need to take the subway.

7. 你家在学校附近吗?你家远吗?
Nǐ jiā zài xuéxiào fùjìn ma? Nǐ jiā yuǎn ma?
Is your home near the school? Is your home far?

– 我家不在学校附近,我住得比较远。
– Wǒ jiā bù zài xuéxiào fùjìn, wǒ zhù de bǐjiào yuǎn.
– My home is not near the school; I live quite far away.


III type of answer:

1. 请问,超市在哪儿?
Qǐngwèn, chāoshì zài nǎr?
Excuse me, where is the supermarket?

– 超市被搬到了城外。
– Chāoshì bèi bān dào le chéngwài.
– The supermarket has been moved outside the city.

2. 请问,洗手间在什么地方?
Qǐngwèn, xǐshǒujiān zài shénme dìfang?
Excuse me, where is the bathroom?

– 洗手间正在维修,暂时不能用。
– Xǐshǒujiān zhèngzài wéixiū, zànshí bùnéng yòng.
– The bathroom is under maintenance and temporarily unavailable.

3. 请问,这个地方有银行吗?
Qǐngwèn, zhège dìfang yǒu yínháng ma?
Excuse me, is there a bank in this place?

– 有一家银行,但是今天不营业。
– Yǒu yī jiā yínháng, dànshì jīntiān bù yíngyè.
– There is a bank, but it is not open today.

4. 请问,学校前面有地铁站吗?
Qǐngwèn, xuéxiào qiánmiàn yǒu dìtiězhàn ma?
Excuse me, is there a subway station in front of the school?

– 地铁站正在建设中,目前还不能使用。
– Dìtiězhàn zhèngzài jiànshè zhōng, mùqián hái bùnéng shǐyòng.
– The subway station is under construction and currently cannot be used.

5. 请问,附近有车站吗?
Qǐngwèn, fùjìn yǒu chēzhàn ma?
Excuse me, is there a station nearby?

– 附近的车站最近刚刚关闭了。
– Fùjìn de chēzhàn zuìjìn gānggāng guānbì le.
– The nearby station has just recently been closed.

6. 请问,哪儿有中国银行?远吗?
Qǐngwèn, nǎr yǒu Zhōngguó Yínháng? Yuǎn ma?
Excuse me, where is the Bank of China? Is it far?

– 中国银行在另一个区,坐公交车要半小时。
– Zhōngguó Yínháng zài lìng yīgè qū, zuò gōngjiāochē yào bàn xiǎoshí.
– The Bank of China is in another district, it takes half an hour by bus.

7. 你家在学校附近吗?你家远吗?
Nǐ jiā zài xuéxiào fùjìn ma? Nǐ jiā yuǎn ma?
Is your home near the school? Is your home far?

– 我家离学校很远,在城市另一端。
– Wǒ jiā lí xuéxiào hěn yuǎn, zài chéngshì lìng yī duān.
– My home is very far from the school, on the other side of the city.