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Common Vocabulary Mistakes in French | CBSE 10 French – Retrouvons nos amis

Common Vocabulary Mistakes in French | CBSE 10 French – Retrouvons nos amis

Retrouvons nos amis, the first lesson in the CBSE 10th French book, includes an important activity called Chasse le mot intrus (Find the odd word).

This activity helps students recognize word families and identify incorrect words in a group. Below, we explain the exercise with simple explanations and common mistakes students should avoid.

A 15-year-old Indian student studying French in a CBSE classroom

A 15-year-old CBSE student practicing French vocabulary in a notebook during a classroom session, with classmates engaged in language exercises.

What is “Chasse le mot intrus”?


  • “Chasser” means to hunt or to find in French.
  • “Mot” means word.
  • “Intrus” means intruder or odd one out.
  • This activity asks students to find the word that does not belong in a group based on meaning and word formation.

https://youtu.be/C1lzKB6-aEEChasse le mot intrus – CBSE 10th French | Retrouvons nos amis Explained

1. vin – vignoble – vendange – vingt

  • Vin = Wine
  • Vignoble = Vineyard
  • Vendange = Grape harvest
  • Vingt = Twenty (Number)
  • Odd word (intrus): Vingt
  • Why? The first three words relate to wine production, but vingt is a number, so it does not belong in this group.

2. fromage – fromager – fromagerie – froment

  • Fromage = Cheese
  • Fromager = Cheesemaker
  • Fromagerie = Cheese shop
  • Froment = Wheat
  • Odd word (intrus): Froment
  • Why? The first three words relate to cheese, but froment (wheat) is unrelated.

3. parfum – parfumer – parfumerie – parfaire

  • Parfum = Perfume
  • Parfumer = To perfume
  • Parfumerie = Perfume shop
  • Parfaire = To perfect
  • Odd word (intrus): Parfaire
  • Why? The first three words relate to perfume, but parfaire (to perfect) is not related.

4. chocolat – chocolaté – chocolaterie – choc

  • Chocolat = Chocolate
  • Chocolaté = Chocolate-flavored
  • Chocolaterie = Chocolate shop
  • Choc = Shock
  • Odd word (intrus): Choc
  • Why? The first three words relate to chocolate, but choc means “shock,” which is unrelated.

5. la mode – la haute couture – le mode – la maison de couture

  • La mode = Fashion
  • La haute couture = High fashion
  • Le mode = Mode (way/method)
  • La maison de couture = Fashion house
  • Odd word (intrus): Le mode
  • Why? The first three words relate to fashion, but le mode means “method” or “way,” so it does not belong.


Common Vocabulary Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

  • Mistake 1: Confusing Similar-Looking Words

    • Example: Mode vs. La mode
    • “Mode” means method, while la mode means fashion.
  • Mistake 2: Not Understanding Word Families

    • Example: Fromage, fromager, fromagerie all relate to cheese, but froment does not.
  • Mistake 3: Choosing a Word Based on Sound Instead of Meaning

    • Example: Choc and chocolat sound similar, but choc means shock, which is unrelated to chocolate.
  • Mistake 4: Using a Number Instead of a Thematic Word

    • Example: Vingt (twenty) does not fit in a group about wine-related words.


Tips to Avoid These Mistakes

  • Learn word families by associating related words together.
  • Pay attention to prefixes and suffixes to recognize word connections.
  • Practice with real-life examples instead of just memorizing words.
  • Read French texts and notice how words are used in different contexts.