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CBSE 10th French Lesson 1: Retrouvons nos amis – Complete Guide

CBSE 10th French Lesson 1: Retrouvons nos amis – Complete Guide

“Retrouvons nos amis” (Let’s Find Our Friends) is the first lesson in the CBSE 10th French textbook Entre Jeunes. It introduces characters from different cultural backgrounds, reinforcing vocabulary, grammar, and cultural understanding. This lesson focuses on:


(Impoortant Note:  To study this article – Always check your google translate tool in French)


Here is the clickable PDF link for students to download:


💡 Click the link above to access the full study guide, grammar explanations, vocabulary lists, and exercises for Lesson 1! 🚀



📖 Page 4 – Character Introductions & Personal Descriptions


📌 What This Section Covers:

  • Introduction of key characters (Akanksha, Kunal, Nargis, Ali, Pauline, and Denis).
  • How to describe a person’s age, nationality, profession, and family background.
  • Understanding basic sentence structures for personal introductions.


📚 French Lines with English Meanings:

French SentenceEnglish Meaning
Nous avons déjà rencontré ces personnages.We have already met these characters.
Les reconnais-tu ? Présentons-les.Do you recognize them? Let’s introduce them.
Akanksha Sethi. Elle a 17 ans.Akanksha Sethi. She is 17 years old.
Elle est en terminale L. Son frère s’appelle Kunal. Il a 18 ans. Il est en terminale S.She is in the Literary stream. Her brother’s name is Kunal. He is 18 years old and in the Science stream.
Leur père travaille à l’Ambassade de l’Inde en France.Their father works at the Indian Embassy in France.
Leur mère est professeur de musique classique indienne.Their mother is a professor of Indian classical music.
Ils habitent 2 rue Balzac.They live at 2 Balzac Street.
Voici Nargis et voilà Ali. Ils sont sénégalais.Here is Nargis and there is Ali. They are Senegalese.
Leurs parents habitent à Dakar au Sénégal.Their parents live in Dakar, Senegal.
Leur père est informaticien. Il travaille chez IBM.Their father is an IT professional. He works at IBM.
Voici Pauline et Denis. Ils sont français.Here are Pauline and Denis. They are French.
Ils sont tous des amis.They are all friends.
VIVE L’AMITIÉ !Long live friendship!


📖 Grammar Breakdown from This Section


1️How to Describe Age & Education Level in French

  • Elle a 17 ans. (She is 17 years old.)
  • Il a 18 ans. (He is 18 years old.)
    🔹 Tip: In French, you say “I have X years” (J’ai X ans) instead of “I am X years old” like in English.

Common Mistake:
Elle est 17 ans. (Wrong)
Elle a 17 ans. (Correct)


2️Talking About Professions & Workplaces

  • Leur père travaille à l’Ambassade de l’Inde en France. (Their father works at the Indian Embassy in France.)
  • Leur mère est professeur de musique classique indienne. (Their mother is a professor of Indian classical music.)
    🔹 Tip: In French, professions don’t need an article (un/une) unless described with an adjective.


Common Mistake:
Elle est une professeur. (Wrong)
Elle est professeur. (Correct)


3️Talking About Nationalities & Origin

  • Ils sont sénégalais. (They are Senegalese.)
  • Voici Pauline et Denis. Ils sont français. (Here are Pauline and Denis. They are French.)
    🔹 Tip: In French, nationality adjectives don’t take a capital letter unless referring to the language.


Common Mistake:
Il est Français. (Wrong)
Il est français. (Correct)


📌 Common Vocabulary from This Section

Un ami / Une amieA friend
Un frèreA brother
Une sœurA sister
Un professeurA teacher
Un informaticienAn IT professional
Une ambassadeAn embassy


📌 How to Improve & Practice This Section

Practice introducing yourself in French.
🔹 Example: Je m’appelle Rahul. J’ai 16 ans. Je suis indien. Je suis en classe 10.

Write 5 sentences describing your family members.
🔹 Example: Mon père est ingénieur. Il travaille chez Tata Motors.

Listen to French audio recordings & repeat.
🔹 Use YouTube videos or language apps to improve pronunciation.

Avoid common mistakes by reviewing sentence structures.
🔹 Read your sentences aloud and check for grammar errors.



📖 Page 5 – True or False Exercise & Letter from Corsica


📌 What This Section Covers:

  • “Dis Vrai ou Faux” (True or False) – Checking comprehension of character details.
  • Reading a personal letter from Akanksha about her trip to Corsica.
  • Understanding sentence structures, past tense, and vocabulary related to travel.


📝 True or False Exercise (Dis Vrai ou Faux)


This section tests students’ understanding of previously introduced characters.

French SentenceEnglish MeaningExplanation
1. La mère de Kunal et d’Akanksha est professeur de sciences.Kunal and Akanksha’s mother is a science teacher.False – She is a professor of Indian classical music, not science.
2. Les parents d’Ali et Nargis habitent à Paris.Ali and Nargis’ parents live in Paris.False – Their parents live in Dakar, Senegal, not Paris.
3. Kunal a 18 ans.Kunal is 18 years old.True – The text confirms that Kunal is 18 years old.
4. Ali et Nargis sont sénégalais.Ali and Nargis are Senegalese.True – The text states that they are from Senegal.

📌 How to Improve This Exercise:

  • Carefully read the previous descriptions of characters.
  • Underline important details such as ages, nationalities, and professions while reading.
  • Practice forming correct sentences using vrai (true) and faux (false).


📖 Letter from Corsica (Lettre de Corse)

📌 Overview:
Akanksha writes a letter to her friends, describing her vacation in Corsica. She talks about:
✔ The weather & arrival experience.
Accommodation and its comparison to past vacations.
✔ The natural beauty & activities she enjoys.
✔ A comparison of Corsica with Indian tourist spots.


French Lines with English Meanings & Explanation

📍 Letter Introduction – Date & Greeting

French SentenceEnglish MeaningExplanation
Bastia, le 30 août 20–.Bastia, August 30, 20–.The location (Bastia, Corsica) and date of writing.
Chers amis,Dear friends,Standard letter greeting in French.


📍 Description of Arrival & First Impressions

French SentenceEnglish MeaningExplanation
Depuis quatre jours nous voici installés en Corse, au sud de Bastia.We have been in Corsica for four days, in the south of Bastia.“Depuis quatre jours” shows duration in the present. “Installés” means settled.
Nous sommes arrivés avec la pluie, mais maintenant le beau temps s’installe.We arrived with rain, but now the weather is nice.Describes the weather change from rain to sunshine.
L’île n’est pas grande.The island is not big.Simple observation about Corsica’s size.


📍 Description of Accommodation & Comparison with Previous Vacations

French SentenceEnglish MeaningExplanation
Nous sommes logés dans un camp de toile, ce n’est pas le grand luxe ; mais pour les vacances, c’est très bien.We are staying in a tent camp, it’s not luxurious, but for a vacation, it’s very nice.“Logés” means “accommodated”, describing the camping experience.
Cette visite me fait penser à notre visite des îles d’Andaman et de Nicobar dans le Golfe du Bengale.This visit reminds me of our trip to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal.Comparison between Corsica and India’s Andaman Islands.


📍 Exploring Corsica – Nature & Attractions

French SentenceEnglish MeaningExplanation
Nous pouvons aller à la mer et à la montagne dans la même journée.We can go to the sea and the mountains on the same day.Highlights Corsica’s geography – both sea & mountains in close distance.
Les Aiguilles de Bavella sont très belles.The Aiguilles de Bavella are very beautiful.Refers to a famous mountain range in Corsica.
Il y a beaucoup de petits villages perchés.There are many small hilltop villages.Describes Corsica’s traditional villages.


📍 Flora & Fauna in Corsica

French SentenceEnglish MeaningExplanation
Il y a beaucoup de vaches, de moutons, de chevaux et de cochons.There are many cows, sheep, horses, and pigs.Describes rural life & farm animals.
Au milieu, il y a beaucoup de châtaigniers.In the middle, there are many chestnut trees.“Châtaigniers” (chestnut trees) are an important part of Corsican nature.
Au sud, il y a Bonifacio avec ses côtes et ses villages.In the south, there is Bonifacio with its coasts and villages.Bonifacio is a historic coastal town in Corsica.


📍 Conclusion & Farewell

French SentenceEnglish MeaningExplanation
Nos vacances vont bientôt terminer. Elles se passent bien.Our vacation will soon end. It is going well.“Se passent bien” means “going well”, indicating a positive experience.
À bientôt.See you soon.Common informal closing phrase in letters.
Grosse bises,Big kisses,Friendly ending for informal letters.
AkankshaAkankshaSignature of the writer.


📖 Grammar Breakdown from This Section

1️Using Passé Composé (Past Tense) to Talk About Past Events

  • Nous sommes arrivés avec la pluie. (We arrived with rain.)
  • J’ai passé de très belles vacances l’année dernière. (I had a great vacation last year.)
    🔹 Tip: Use “être” for movement verbs (arriver, partir) and “avoir” for regular past actions (passer, visiter).

Common Mistake:
Nous avons arrivé en Corse. (Wrong! “Arriver” takes être)
Nous sommes arrivés en Corse. (Correct!)

📖 Page 6 – Comprehension Questions, Proverbs & L’Accent Grave

📌 What This Section Covers:

  • Comprehension Questions (Réponds aux questions) – Testing understanding of Akanksha’s letter.
  • Vocabulary Search (Trouve dans le texte) – Finding key words and opposites.
  • French Proverbs – Learning and understanding common expressions.
  • L’Accent Grave & Poetry Reading – A dialogue-based activity to improve pronunciation and grammar.


📝 Comprehension Questions (Réponds aux questions)

Students must answer four questions based on Akanksha’s letter from Corsica.

French QuestionEnglish MeaningExplanation
1. Qui a écrit la lettre ? À qui ?Who wrote the letter? To whom?The answer is Akanksha wrote the letter to her friends.
2. Où se trouve Akanksha ?Where is Akanksha?She is in Corsica, in the south of Bastia.
3. Comment sont les Aiguilles de Bavella ?How are the Aiguilles de Bavella?They are very beautiful, located in the mountains of Corsica.
4. Quel temps faisait-il quand ils sont arrivés en Corse ?What was the weather like when they arrived in Corsica?It was raining when they arrived, but now the weather is good.


📌 How to Improve This Exercise:
✔ Read each question carefully and look for keywords in the letter.
✔ Answer in complete sentences for better French writing practice.
✔ Learn how to describe places, weather, and opinions in French.


📝 Vocabulary Search (Trouve dans le texte)

Students must find words or expressions based on given clues.

French InstructionEnglish MeaningAnswer
1. Le contraire de “commencer”.The opposite of “to start”.Terminer (To finish)
2. La forme nominale de “pleuvoir”.The noun form of “to rain”.La pluie (Rain)
3. Les noms de deux animaux de la ferme.The names of two farm animals.Vache, mouton (Cow, sheep)
4. Le contraire de “partir”.The opposite of “to leave”.Rester (To stay)


📌 How to Improve Vocabulary Skills:
✔ Learn word families – e.g., pleuvoir (verb) → pluie (noun).
✔ Use flashcards to memorize opposites.
✔ Write sentences using new words to reinforce learning.

📖 Proverbs in the Lesson (Les Proverbes)

📍 Proverbs are fixed expressions used in daily conversation. This section teaches three commonly used French proverbs related to weather and emotions.

French ProverbEnglish MeaningExplanation
“Après la pluie, le beau temps.”After the rain, comes good weather.Hard times don’t last forever – there’s always a better time ahead.
“Parler de la pluie et du beau temps.”To talk about the rain and good weather.Means talking about unimportant things (small talk).
“Faire la pluie et le beau temps.”To make the rain and good weather.To have control over a situation or be very influential.


📌 How to Use Proverbs in Writing & Speaking?
✔ Use “Après la pluie, le beau temps” to encourage someone going through a difficult time.
✔ Avoid literal translations – understand the figurative meaning.
✔ Practice using these expressions in daily conversations.


📖 L’Accent Grave – Reading & Pronunciation Activity

📍 What is “L’Accent Grave”?

  • L’accent grave (è, à, ù) is a French accent mark that changes pronunciation but not always the meaning.
  • In this activity, students read a poem and dialogue to practice intonation and pronunciation.


📍 Dialogue Between the Teacher & Student (Élève Hamlet)

French DialogueEnglish MeaningExplanation
Le professeur : Élève Hamlet !Teacher: Student Hamlet!The teacher calls the student.
L’élève Hamlet : Hein… Quoi… Pardon… Qu’est-ce qui se passe…Huh… What… Sorry… What’s happening…The student is confused.
Le professeur : Vous ne pouvez pas répondre “présent” comme tout le monde ?You cannot answer “present” like everyone else?The teacher is frustrated with the student’s behavior.
L’élève Hamlet : Être ou ne pas être dans les nuages !To be or not to be in the clouds!A play on words from Shakespeare’s famous quote. It means being lost in thought.
Le professeur : Conjuguez-moi le verbe être.Conjugate the verb “être” for me.The teacher asks the student to conjugate “être”.
L’élève Hamlet : Je suis… tu es… il est…I am… you are… he is…The student starts conjugating correctly.
Le professeur : En français, s’il vous plaît !In French, please!The teacher reminds the student to continue in French.


📌 Why Is This Dialogue Important?
✔ It teaches the use of l’accent grave in words like “près” and “très”.
✔ Helps students practice conjugating “être” correctly.
✔ Reinforces how to respond properly in a French classroom setting.


📖 How to Improve & Practice This Section?

Write answers to the comprehension questions in full sentences.
Memorize new vocabulary by creating word association maps.
Practice saying the proverbs aloud and use them in sentences.
Read the poem/dialogue dramatically to practice intonation & pronunciation.



📖 Page 7 – Prévert’s Poem, Expressions & Grammar Activity (With Answers & Explanation)

📌 What This Section Covers:
Jacques Prévert’s Poem – A play on Shakespeare’s famous line “To be or not to be”.
Understanding and Using French Expressions.
Grammar & Orthography Activity – Learning proper capitalization in French.
Answers & Explanations for all exercises.


📖 Jacques Prévert’s Poem – Understanding Wordplay


📍 Excerpt from Prévert’s Poem (Inspired by Shakespeare’s To be or not to be):

French PoemEnglish Meaning
Je suis ou je ne suis pasI am or I am not
Tu es ou tu n’es pasYou are or you are not
Il est où il n’est pasHe is where he is not
Nous sommes ou nous ne sommes pas…We are or we are not…
Mais c’est vous qui n’y êtes pas, mon pauvre ami !But it is you who are not here, my poor friend!


📌 What Does This Poem Teach?
Playing with words – “Être” (to be) is used in multiple ways.
Questioning existence and meaning – A reference to Shakespeare’s “To be or not to be”.
Understanding negation in Frenchne… pas structure.

📌 Common Mistake & How to Fix It
Je suis pas prêt. (Wrong! Missing “ne”)
Je ne suis pas prêt. (Correct!)


📖 Expressions: Understanding French Idioms

📍 Two Key Expressions from the Lesson:

French ExpressionEnglish MeaningExplanation
Être dans les nuagesTo be in the cloudsMeaning: Daydreaming or being absent-minded.
Avoir des manièresTo have mannersMeaning: To behave in an exaggerated or affected way.


📌 How to Use These Expressions in Sentences?
Il ne m’écoutait pas, il était dans les nuages. (He wasn’t listening to me, he was daydreaming.)
Elle parle avec un ton sophistiqué, elle a des manières. (She speaks with a sophisticated tone, she has an affected manner.)

📌 Common Mistake & How to Fix It
Il est en les nuages. (Wrong! The correct preposition is “dans”)
Il est dans les nuages. (Correct!)

📖 Grammar & Orthography Activity: Capitalization in French

📍 Instruction: Complete sentences while paying attention to capitalization rules.

📍 Example Given:

  • La Champagne, c’est une région ; le champagne, c’est un vin de cette région.
    (Champagne is a region; champagne is a wine from this region.)

🔹 Notice the rule:

  • Names of regions or places are capitalized (La Bourgogne, La Champagne).
  • Common nouns (wine, cheese) are lowercase (le champagne, le roquefort).


Exercise: Complete These Sentences (With Answers)

WordSentence StructureAnswer
CamembertC’est ____________, le camembert, c’est ________________.C’est une ville, le camembert, c’est un fromage. (It is a town, camembert is a cheese.)
CognacCognac, c’est ____________, le cognac, c’est ________________.Cognac, c’est une ville, le cognac, c’est une boisson. (Cognac is a town, cognac is a drink.)
RoquefortRoquefort, c’est ____________, le roquefort, c’est ________________.Roquefort, c’est un village, le roquefort, c’est un fromage. (Roquefort is a village, roquefort is a cheese.)
La BourgogneLa Bourgogne, c’est ____________, le bourgogne, c’est ________________.La Bourgogne, c’est une région, le bourgogne, c’est un vin. (Burgundy is a region, burgundy is a wine.)
La BrieLa Brie, c’est ____________, le brie, c’est ________________.La Brie, c’est une région, le brie, c’est un fromage. (Brie is a region, brie is a cheese.)
BordeauxBordeaux, c’est ____________, le bordeaux, c’est ________________.Bordeaux, c’est une ville, le bordeaux, c’est un vin. (Bordeaux is a city, bordeaux is a wine.)


📌 How to Avoid Common Mistakes?
Capitalize regions/cities but not food or drinks (La Bourgogne / le bourgogne).
Observe gender differences (La Brie = feminine, le camembert = masculine).
Use definite articles correctly (le, la, les).


📖 How to Improve & Practice This Section?

Memorize common French expressions and use them in daily conversation.
Practice reading the poem aloud to improve pronunciation & rhythm.
Write your own sentences using regional names & products while maintaining correct capitalization.

📖 Page 8 – Vocabulary, Proverbs & Demonstrative Adjectives

📌 What This Section Covers:
Chasse le mot intrus – Identifying the odd word out.
Matching Proverbs – Understanding common French sayings.
Demonstrative Adjectives – Completing sentences with ce, cet, cette, ces.
Answers & Explanations for all exercises.

📝 Chasse le mot intrus (Find the Odd Word Out)

📍 Instruction: Identify the word that does not belong in each set.

NumberWord GroupOdd Word (Intrus)Explanation
1vin – vignoble – vendange – vingtvingt“Vingt” (twenty) is a number, while the others are related to wine.
2fromage – fromager – fromagerie – fromentfroment“Froment” (wheat) is a grain, while the others refer to cheese or cheesemaking.
3parfum – parfumer – parfumerie – parfaireparfaire“Parfaire” (to perfect) is a verb, while the others relate to perfume.
4chocolat – chocolaté – chocolaterie – chocchoc“Choc” (shock) is unrelated to chocolate, while the others describe chocolate and its forms.
5la mode – la haute couture – le mode – la maison de couturele mode“Le mode” (the way/method) is grammatically masculine and unrelated to fashion, while the others refer to fashion.


📌 Tips to Identify the Odd Word Quickly:
✔ Look for words with a different meaning from the rest.
✔ Identify grammatical differences (e.g., verb vs. noun).
✔ Recognize categories (e.g., food, fashion, numbers).

📝 Match the Proverbs (Rapproche les deux parties de chaque proverbe)

📍 Instruction: Match the beginning of the proverb with the correct ending.

NumberFirst PartCorrect EndingMeaning
1Il faut battre le fer(a) tant qu’il est chaud.Strike while the iron is hot.
2Loin des yeux(b) loin du cœur.Out of sight, out of mind.
3Pierre qui roule(c) n’amasse pas mousse.A rolling stone gathers no moss.
4Les bons comptes(d) font les bons amis.Good accounts make good friends.
5Si la jeunesse savait*(e) si vieillesse pouvait.If youth knew, if old age could.
6Plus on est de fous(f) plus on rit.The more, the merrier.
7Quand le vin est tiré(g) il faut le boire.Once the wine is poured, it must be drunk.
8Avec des “si”*(h) on mettrait Paris dans une bouteille.With “ifs”, we could put Paris in a bottle (i.e., “Ifs” don’t change reality).
9Tout est bien*(i) qui finit bien.All is well that ends well.
10Les petits ruisseaux*(j) font les grandes rivières.Small streams make great rivers (small efforts lead to big results).

📌 Want to explore French proverbs in detail?
Check out our dedicated blog post with explanations, examples, and cultural insights:
👉 French Proverbs Explained – CBSE 10th French Lesson 1

📌 Why Are Proverbs Important?
✔ Helps in understanding French culture and expressions.
✔ Improves fluency in spoken and written French.
✔ Makes speech more natural and expressive.


📌 Common Mistake & How to Fix It:
Trying to translate word-for-word into English.
Learn the actual meaning instead of direct translation.

📝 Demonstrative Adjectives (Adjectifs Démonstratifs)

📍 Instruction: Complete the sentences with the correct demonstrative adjective (ce, cet, cette, ces).

French SentenceCorrect AnswerExplanation
Regardez __________ magasins !ces“Magasins” (stores) is plural, so we use “ces”.
Regardez __________ monde !ce“Monde” (world) is masculine singular, so we use “ce”.
Regardez __________ tour !cette“Tour” (tower) is feminine singular, so we use “cette”.
Regardez __________ grande cathédrale !cette“Cathédrale” is feminine, so we use “cette”.
Et __________ immeuble-là, c’est le magasin FNAC.cet“Immeuble” (building) is masculine but starts with a vowel sound, so we use “cet”.


📌 Rules for Choosing the Right Demonstrative Adjective:
ce → Masculine singular (ce livre – this book).
cet → Masculine singular before a vowel or silent ‘h’ (cet immeuble – this building).
cette → Feminine singular (cette maison – this house).
ces → Plural for both masculine and feminine (ces étudiants – these students).

Click Here:   Want to Learn Demonstrative Adjective in Detail

📖 How to Improve & Practice This Section?

Practice recognizing word families for Chasse le mot intrus.
Memorize common French proverbs and use them in sentences.
Write five sentences using demonstrative adjectives correctly.
Say the proverbs aloud to practice pronunciation and fluency.

📖 Page 9 – Articles, Verb Conjugation (Présent & Passé Composé), and Writing Exercise

📌 What This Section Covers:
Mets les articles (Fill in the articles) – Using le, la, les, un, une, du, de la, des.
Mets les verbes au présent (Fill in the verbs in the present tense) – Completing sentences in présent de l’indicatif.
Mets les verbes au passé composé (Fill in the verbs in past tense) – Understanding passé composé.
Écris une lettre (Write a letter) – Constructing a short travel letter.
Each French sentence is immediately followed by its English translation and explanation.

📝 Mets les articles: Défini, Indéfini, Contracté (Fill in the articles: Definite, Indefinite, Contracted)

📍 French Sentence & Answer (With English Meaning & Explanation)

  1. L’Inde est une péninsule.
    India is a peninsula.
    “Péninsule” (peninsula) is feminine singular → “une”.
  2. Delhi est la capitale de l’Inde.
    Delhi is the capital of India.
    “Capitale” (capital) is feminine singular → “la”.
  3. Il y a beaucoup de lieux à visiter. Au nord, il y a de très beaux monuments.
    There are many places to visit. In the north, there are very beautiful monuments.
    “Nord” (north) is a direction → “au nord” (to the north).
  4. Au sud, il y a des temples magnifiques.
    In the south, there are magnificent temples.
    “Temples” (temples) is plural → “des”.
  5. L’Inde a un grand héritage culturel, comme la France.
    India has a great cultural heritage, like France.
    “France” is a country → “la France”.
  6. L’Inde est une mosaïque de cultures.
    India is a mosaic of cultures.
    “Mosaïque” (mosaic) is feminine singular → “une”.


📌 How to Choose the Right Article?
Le, la, les → For specific things (la capitale – the capital).
Un, une, des → For general or indefinite things (un temple – a temple).
Du, de la, des → For partitive (some) (du fromage – some cheese).

📝 Mets les verbes au présent (Fill in the verbs in the present tense)

📍 French Sentences & Answers

Detailed Explanation is given here

(i) Daily Routine of Ravi

  1. Le matin, Ravi emmène ses enfants à l’école.
    In the morning, Ravi takes his children to school.
    “Emmener” (to take) → “il emmene” (3rd person singular).
  2. Ils quittent la maison à 7 heures.
    They leave the house at 7 o’clock.
    “Quitter” (to leave) → “ils quittent” (3rd person plural).
  3. Puis, Ravi prend le bus pour aller à son bureau.
    Then, Ravi takes the bus to go to his office.
    “Prendre” (to take) → “il prend”.
  4. À midi, il mange au restaurant.
    At noon, he eats at the restaurant.
    “Manger” (to eat) → “il mange”.
  5. Le soir, avant de rentrer, il fait des courses.
    In the evening, before going home, he does some shopping.
    “Faire” (to do) → “il fait”.
  6. Sa femme va chercher les enfants.
    His wife goes to pick up the children.
    “Aller” (to go) → “elle va”.


📌 Common Mistake & How to Fix It:
Il fais ses devoirs. (Wrong! “Fais” is for “je” or “tu”)
Il fait ses devoirs. (Correct! “Fait” is for “il/elle”)

📝 Mets les verbes au passé composé (Fill in the verbs in the past tense)

📍 French Sentences & Answers (With English Meaning & Explanation)

To know in Detail about Passe Compose click here

(i) A Computer Engineer Talks About His Arrival in France

  1. Je suis arrivé à Paris le 15 août 2010.
    I arrived in Paris on August 15, 2010.
    “Arriver” (to arrive) uses “être” → “Je suis arrivé(e)”.
  2. J’ai cherché du travail partout.
    I looked for work everywhere.
    “Chercher” (to search) uses “avoir” → “J’ai cherché”.
  3. Enfin, j’ai trouvé un travail à Bordeaux.
    Finally, I found a job in Bordeaux.
    “Trouver” (to find) uses “avoir” → “J’ai trouvé”.
  4. Ma femme et mes enfants sont venus en 2012.
    My wife and my children came in 2012.
    “Venir” (to come) uses “être” → “Ils sont venus”.
  5. En 2015, nous avons acheté un appartement.
    In 2015, we bought an apartment.
    “Acheter” (to buy) uses “avoir” → “Nous avons acheté”.
  6. Maintenant, toute la famille est restée en France.
    Now, the whole family has stayed in France.
    “Rester” (to stay) uses “être” → “Elle est restée”.


📌 How to Choose Between “Avoir” & “Être” in Passé Composé?
Most verbs use “avoir” (manger → j’ai mangé).
Movement & reflexive verbs use “être” (aller → je suis allé(e)).

📝 Écris une lettre (Write a letter about a trip)

📍 French Example Letter

Paris, le 10 juillet 2023
Cher ami,
Je suis en vacances à Marseille avec ma famille. Nous sommes arrivés hier et le temps est magnifique ! Aujourd’hui, nous avons visité le Vieux-Port et mangé des fruits de mer. Demain, nous allons à la plage et nous ferons une promenade en bateau. J’adore cette ville ! Je t’enverrai des photos bientôt.
À bientôt !


📌 Paris, July 10, 2023
Dear friend,
I am on vacation in Marseille with my family. We arrived yesterday, and the weather is beautiful! Today, we visited the Old Port and ate seafood. Tomorrow, we are going to the beach and will take a boat ride. I love this city! I will send you pictures soon.
See you soon!
Best wishes,


📌 How to Write a Good Letter in French?
Start with a greeting (Cher ami, Chère amie).
Use passé composé to describe past actions (Nous avons visité…).
Use futur proche to describe upcoming plans (Nous allons aller…).
Close with a farewell (À bientôt, Amitiés).

📖 How to Improve & Practice This Section?

Practice filling in the blanks for articles & verbs in different tenses.
Memorize passé composé rules (avoir vs. être).
Write & proofread a short letter using travel vocabulary.
Read your letter aloud to check for pronunciation.

📝 Je découvre : Les Festivals et Événements (I Discover: Festivals and Events)

📍 French Sentence & English Meaning (With Explanation)

  1. Fête de la Musique – 21 juin
    Music Festival – June 21
    A nationwide festival in France where people celebrate music by performing in streets, parks, and public places.
  2. Tour de France
    Tour de France
    A world-famous cycling race held every year in France, covering thousands of kilometers.
  3. Festival d’Avignon
    Avignon Festival
    A major theatre and performing arts festival in Avignon, featuring plays, dance, and music.
  4. Goa International Film Festival
    Goa International Film Festival
    A globally recognized film festival in India, showcasing films from around the world.


📌 Why Are These Festivals Important?
Cultural exposure – Understanding French traditions & global connections.
Vocabulary development – Learning event-related words in French.
Historical significance – Knowing when & why these festivals are celebrated.

📖 Vocabulary & Key Phrases from This Section

French Word/PhraseEnglish MeaningExample Sentence
Un festivalA festivalJ’adore ce festival de musique ! (I love this music festival!)
Un événementAn eventLe Tour de France est un événement sportif important. (The Tour de France is an important sports event.)
Un spectacleA show/performanceNous avons regardé un spectacle de danse à Avignon. (We watched a dance show in Avignon.)
Une célébrationA celebrationLa Fête de la Musique est une grande célébration en France. (The Music Festival is a big celebration in France.)
Une compétitionA competitionLe Tour de France est une compétition de cyclisme célèbre. (The Tour de France is a famous cycling competition.)

🔹 Overview of the Lesson & Syllabus

Lesson 1, “Retrouvons nos amis” (Let’s Meet Our Friends), introduces students to basic French conversation, grammar structures, and cultural knowledge. It helps develop skills in introducing people, describing places, understanding proverbs, and talking about cultural events.

📌 Key Topics Covered in Lesson 1:
Introducing & describing people (name, age, nationality, profession).
Reading comprehension & answering questions.
French proverbs & their meanings.
Grammar: present tense, past tense, articles, and adjectives.
Writing practice: travel letter & sentence formation.
French festivals and cultural events.

🔹 Grammar Rules Covered in the Lesson

📍 1️.  Présent de l’Indicatif (Present Tense) – Regular & Irregular Verbs
Usage: Describing daily actions & routines.

  • Je mange une pomme. (I eat an apple.)
  • Nous allons à l’école. (We go to school.)
  • Il prend le bus. (He takes the bus.)


📍 2️.  Passé Composé (Past Tense) – Using Avoir & Être
Usage: Talking about past events & experiences.

  • J’ai visité Paris. (I visited Paris.)
  • Nous sommes allés au marché. (We went to the market.)


📍 3️.  Articles (Definite, Indefinite, Contracted)
Usage: Learning when to use le, la, les, un, une, du, des, au.

  • Le livre est sur la table. (The book is on the table.)
  • J’ai acheté un gâteau. (I bought a cake.)


📍 4️.  Adjectifs Démonstratifs (Demonstrative Adjectives)
Usage: Pointing out specific objects (ce, cet, cette, ces).

  • Regarde cette voiture ! (Look at this car!)
  • J’aime ces fleurs. (I like these flowers.)


📍 5️.  French Proverbs – Understanding Expressions

  • “Après la pluie, le beau temps.” (After the rain, comes the sunshine.)
  • “Les bons comptes font les bons amis.” (Good accounts make good friends.)

🔹 Vocabulary Lists with Meanings

📍 1️.  People & Professions

Un ami / Une amieA friend
Un professeurA teacher
Un étudiant / Une étudianteA student
Un musicien / Une musicienneA musician


📍 2️.  Family & Descriptions

Le frèreBrother
La sœurSister
Les parentsParents
HabiterTo live
TravaillerTo work


📍 3️.  Travel & Places

Une villeA city
Un paysA country
Une capitaleA capital
Une plageA beach
Une montagneA mountain


📍 4️.  Festivals & Events

Fête de la MusiqueMusic Festival
Tour de FranceCycling Tour of France
Festival d’AvignonAvignon Theatre Festival

🔹 Conclusion & How to Improve Further

Practice daily conversations using introductions & descriptions.
Revise verb conjugations in the present & past tense.
Memorize & use French proverbs in speaking & writing.
Write a short letter about a recent trip or event.
Compare French cultural festivals with festivals in your country.

🚀 Lesson 1 provides a strong foundation in French grammar, vocabulary, and cultural knowledge! Keep practicing to build confidence in speaking and writing French. 🎯