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Understanding French Proverbs with Cultural Context – CBSE Class 10 French Lesson 1 (Retrouvons nos amis)
French proverbs are a great way to understand the language and culture. In CBSE 10th French Lesson 1 (Retrouvons nos amis), students learn common proverbs that are used in everyday conversations. This activity helps students match the first part of the proverb with its correct ending. Let’s break down each proverb with its meaning and how to use it!
✔ Meaning: Strike while the iron is hot.
✔ Explanation: This proverb means taking action at the right moment before the opportunity is lost.
💡 Tip: Always be ready to act when the situation is in your favor!
✔ Meaning: Out of sight, out of mind.
✔ Explanation: When someone or something is far away, we tend to forget about them over time.
💡 Tip: Maintain communication with loved ones to keep relationships strong!
✔ Meaning: A rolling stone gathers no moss.
✔ Explanation: This proverb suggests that someone who keeps moving doesn’t settle down or gain stability.
💡 Tip: Staying in one place helps you build experience and grow in life!
✔ Meaning: Good accounts make good friends.
✔ Explanation: It means that being clear about money matters helps avoid misunderstandings and keeps friendships strong.
💡 Tip: Always be honest and transparent in financial matters!
✔ Meaning: If youth knew, if old age could.
✔ Explanation: The young have energy but lack experience, while the old have experience but lack energy.
💡 Tip: Learn from the wisdom of older people while you are young!
✔ Meaning: The more, the merrier.
✔ Explanation: When many people come together, the experience is more fun and enjoyable.
💡 Tip: Celebrate life with friends and family to create joyful moments!
✔ Meaning: Once the wine is poured, it must be drunk.
✔ Explanation: Once you start something, you must finish it—there is no turning back.
💡 Tip: Think before making decisions, but once decided, follow through!
✔ Meaning: With “ifs,” we could put Paris in a bottle.
✔ Explanation: This means imagining unrealistic possibilities won’t change reality.
💡 Tip: Instead of overthinking, take action to solve problems!
✔ Meaning: All’s well that ends well.
✔ Explanation: No matter how difficult the journey is, if the result is good, everything is worth it.
💡 Tip: Stay positive and trust the process!
✔ Meaning: Small streams make big rivers.
✔ Explanation: Small efforts over time lead to great achievements.
💡 Tip: Keep working hard, and success will come!
✅ Use them in daily conversations.
✅ Write each proverb in your notebook with its meaning.
✅ Watch French movies or read books where these proverbs are used.
✅ Make flashcards to practice.
✅ Try using a proverb in your next French assignment!