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Mastering Passé Composé | CBSE 10th French Lesson 1 – Retrouvons Nos Amis

Mastering Passé Composé | CBSE 10th French Lesson 1 – Retrouvons Nos Amis

French language classroom with students learning passé composé verb conjugation.

Engaging French grammar lesson on passé composé with auxiliary verbs “avoir” and “être.”



Passé composé is a French past tense used to describe completed actions. It is formed with the auxiliary verb (avoir or être) + past participle of the main verb.

This activity from Retrouvons Nos Amis helps CBSE 10th French students practice the passé composé with real-life examples.

(i) A Computer Engineer Talks About His Arrival in France

➡️ Je suis arrivé à Paris le 15 août 2010.
✔️ I arrived in Paris on August 15, 2010.
📌 Arriver is a movement verb, so it takes être as an auxiliary verb → Je suis arrivé(e).

➡️ J’ai cherché du travail partout.
✔️ I looked for work everywhere.
📌 Chercher (to search) is a regular -ER verb, so it takes avoirJ’ai cherché.

➡️ Enfin, j’ai trouvé un travail à Bordeaux.
✔️ Finally, I found a job in Bordeaux.
📌 Trouver (to find) follows the same rule → J’ai trouvé.

➡️ Ma femme et mes enfants sont venus en 2012.
✔️ My wife and children came in 2012.
📌 Venir (to come) is a movement verb, so it takes êtreIls sont venus.

➡️ En 2015, nous avons acheté un appartement.
✔️ In 2015, we bought an apartment.
📌 Acheter (to buy) takes avoirNous avons acheté.

➡️ Maintenant, toute la famille est restée en France.
✔️ Now, the whole family has stayed in France.
📌 Rester (to stay) is a movement verb, so it takes êtreElle est restée.

(ii) An Artist Talks About His Day

➡️ Hier, j’ai commencé mon travail à 9 heures.
✔️ Yesterday, I started my work at 9 AM.
📌 Commencer (to start) is a regular -ER verb → J’ai commencé.

➡️ Nous avons fait des dessins jusqu’à midi.
✔️ We made drawings until noon.
📌 Faire (to do/make) is irregular → Nous avons fait.

➡️ Ensuite, nous sommes allés déjeuner.
✔️ Then, we went to have lunch.
📌 Aller (to go) is a movement verb, so it takes êtreNous sommes allés.

➡️ Puis, nous avons travaillé jusqu’à 6 heures et nous avons fermé notre atelier à 7 heures.
✔️ Then, we worked until 6 PM and closed our workshop at 7 PM.
📌 Travailler (to work) and fermer (to close) both take avoirNous avons travaillé and Nous avons fermé.

📖 Grammar Breakdown: Passé Composé Formation

1️⃣ Choosing Between “Avoir” and “Être”

Most verbs use avoir, but certain movement verbs and reflexive verbs use être.

With AvoirWith Être
J’ai mangé (I ate)Je suis allé(e) (I went)
Nous avons vu (We saw)Nous sommes arrivés (We arrived)
Elle a fini (She finished)Elle est restée (She stayed)

📌 Tip: Movement verbs (aller, venir, partir, arriver) always use être.

2️⃣ Past Participle Rules

The passé composé uses the past participle of the verb. Here’s how to form it:

Verb TypeRuleExample
-ER verbsRemove -er, add Manger → mangé
-IR verbsRemove -ir, add -iFinir → fini
-RE verbsRemove -re, add -uVendre → vendu

📌 Tip: Memorize irregular past participles (faire → fait, voir → vu, avoir → eu).

🚫 Common Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

1. Using “Avoir” Instead of “Être” for Movement Verbs

Nous avons allé au marché. (Wrong)
Nous sommes allés au marché. (Correct)

📌 Fix: Always use être for movement verbs like aller, venir, partir.

2. Forgetting Agreement with “Être” Verbs

Elle est allé à l’école. (Wrong)
Elle est allée à l’école. (Correct)

📌 Fix: When using être, add -e for feminine and -s for plural subjects.

3. Using Infinitive Instead of Past Participle

J’ai chercher un emploi. (Wrong)
J’ai cherché un emploi. (Correct)

📌 Fix: Make sure to conjugate the verb in passé composé.

📌 How to Practice & Improve

Write 5 sentences: Describe what you did yesterday using passé composé.
Read aloud: Repeat the sentences multiple times for pronunciation.
Use flashcards: Memorize irregular past participles.
Practice with a partner: Ask and answer questions about past events in French.

📖 Related Resources

🔗 Full Lesson Guide: https://chinesefrench.com/cbse-10th-french-lesson-1-retrouvons-nos-amis-complete-guide/
🔗 Watch the YouTube Video on Passé Composé: [Insert Link]