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Chinese/Mandarin Learners
Do you want to speak Mandarin confidently without memorizing thousands of characters? Are you a business professional, traveler, or student struggling to learn Mandarin? This course is designed exclusively for Tamil learners to speak Mandarin fluently in real-life situations.
🔹 Business Professionals – Want to connect with Chinese suppliers & clients?
🔹 Travelers & Expats – Need Mandarin for taxis, hotels, food, and directions?
🔹 Students & Language Enthusiasts – Want to master a new language without stress?
📍 Hour 1-14: (Basic Fluency)
✅ Greetings, self-introduction, ordering food, taking a taxi
✅ Shopping, asking for help, hotel check-in, airport phrases
✅ Handling money, bargaining, making small talk
📍 Hour 15: Revision & Fluency Drills
✅ Practice sessions & real-life roleplays
📍 Hour 16-29: (Basic Speaking)
✅ Business conversations, negotiations, product discussions
✅ Business meetings, phone conversations, presenting in Mandarin
✅ Handling complaints, networking, speaking to Chinese clients
📍 Hour 30: Final Revision & Certification
✅ Full-course review & final speaking challenge
✅ Personalized Approach – Learn at your own pace with Tamil-friendly explanations
✅ Practical Use Cases – Everything taught is immediately usable in real life
✅ Scientific Learning Method – Repetition of audio phrases (5x each) ensures perfect pronunciation
✅ Community Support – Get group practice sessions & direct trainer feedback
📌 Fill out the form below
🔗 Click Here to Register (Google Form) : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScBEAp0sBKR1ZcJjiXbJufmDOYUY4O7FdlvvPt1FAGuaZZqYg/viewform?usp=header