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What is multilingualism?
Multilingualism is the use of more than one language, either by an individual speaker or by a group of speakers. People who speak several languages are also called polyglots. People who speak one or two additional languages apart from their native language are also called bilingual and trilingual respectively.

Growing Importance of multilingualism
With the growing globalization, economic liberalization, and cross-cultural habits nowadays it is very difficult for humans to restrict themselves to a single or regional or their native languages alone. With languages like English which has become a universal language followed by other international languages like French, German, Chinese, etc. One has to become fluent in multiples international languages to enhance their career opportunities, growth and it is also important for the development of a country’s economy and international affairs. A single individual or country cannot enhance their growth and foreign relations with other countries without crossing the language barrier first. Also in a country like India, Russia, Indonesia, etc. which have multiple national and regional languages, their citizens have to other main languages or National languages of their country to explore their own country in better ways.
Example:- Countries like China, Japan, Latin American countries, etc. which were once restricted to their national languages alone have now started to introduce foreign languages like English, French, etc. in their academic curriculum.

Benefits of multilingualism
Here we are about to discuss the ten major benefits of being a multilingual or a polyglot.

1) Career Growth
It is an open secret that fluency in multiple languages especially international languages automatically adds a huge amount of weight in your resume and gives you a big edge over others in the international job market and MNCs. Also, fluency in foreign languages is in very high demand in the field of tourism, travel, and hospitality. Also, it opens up the gateway to work in foreign diplomatic service, interpreter, etc. It also increases your chance to get postings across the world with additional benefits if you work in an MNC.
In case if you are a businessman then obviously you must learn multiple languages if you want to expand your business/ client list beyond your region or country. It also helps in building a very good rapport with your clients, customers, vendors and suppliers.

2) Improves your analytical skills
it is a proven scientific fact that people who have fluency in multiple languages tend to have better decision-making skills, observing skills, and problem-solving skills. In schools children who come from multilingual/diverse cultural family backgrounds tend to perform better in academics than monolingual children. This is due to the constant switching of languages.

3) Increases the multitasking ability
A recent study from Pennsylvania State University has proved that multilingual people are better at multitasking better they have naturally practiced that skill switching between languages.

4) Boosting the memory
It has been scientifically proved that once you have become fluent in a foreign language other than your native language then you can learn other languages faster because your brain has acquired and stored the skills for learning a new language. For eg:- If you have become fluent in French then you can easily become fluent in similar languages like French, German, Spanish, etc., and thus improve your memory skill.

5) Widens your exposure
Learning another language will make you exposed to that language’s history, culture, literature, etc and thus widening your cultural exposure. For example, if you learn the Chinese language then automatically you will be having little knowledge about Chinese culture, tradition, literature, etc.

6) Cross-Cultural
Learning multiple languages enables you to connect yourself easily with other cultural people and it will help you to understand people better and improve your people management skills which is a very important skill in MNCs.

7) Improves self-confidence
It is a proven fact that learning new languages improves your self-confidence. This is mainly because now your brain has understood that you can stand before other people and you can communicate with them. This is a very important skill during job interviews and appraisal interviews.

8) Resistance over Alzheimer and memory loss
The institute of medical science, Hyderabad has conducted a study that showed that people who speak more than one language have the possibility of delaying Alzheimer’s for more than four years. This is especially due to the constant mental control of switching between languages. Also learning and practicing new languages makes your brain function even faster and is a good neural exercise.

9) Improves your learning ability
As we have discussed earlier in this article, multilingual people have better analytical, decision-making skills and improved brain function which make them learn and adapt to things quickly.

10) Adding a secondary career
Learning a foreign business language will also be of great help to you in starting a second career. For Eg:- In India the Chinese language is in great demand but it is a rare skill found among Indians. In case if you have cleared the Chinese language certifications then you can start a second career by becoming a Chinese language instructor.

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