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French education emphasizes career planning early on. In Leçon 2: Après le bac…, Pauline and Ali discuss their future education and financial concerns. This lesson teaches key future tense structures and highlights how French students manage their studies financially. When discussing future plans in French, two tenses are commonly used: […]
read morePassé composé is a French past tense used to describe completed actions. It is formed with the auxiliary verb (avoir or être) + past participle of the main verb. This activity from Retrouvons Nos Amis helps CBSE 10th French students practice the passé composé with real-life examples. (i) A Computer Engineer Talks About […]
read moreThe present tense (Présent de l’Indicatif) is one of the most essential tenses in French. It helps in expressing daily activities, habits, and general truths. In Retrouvons Nos Amis, CBSE 10th French students practice conjugating verbs in the present tense through an activity where they fill in the blanks with the correct verb […]
read moreIn French, articles play an essential role in sentence structure and meaning. They are used before nouns to specify whether we are talking about something general or specific. This activity from Retrouvons nos amis (CBSE 10th French) focuses on different types of articles: Definite articles (le, la, l’, les) – used for specific things. Indefinite […]
read moreIn CBSE 10th French Lesson 1, Retrouvons nos amis, students learn how to describe objects, people, and places using adjectifs démonstratifs (demonstrative adjectives). These adjectives help specify which object or person we are referring to, just like in English when we say “this,” “that,” “these,” and “those.” In this blog, we will:✔ Explain […]
read moreFrench proverbs are a great way to understand the language and culture. In CBSE 10th French Lesson 1 (Retrouvons nos amis), students learn common proverbs that are used in everyday conversations. This activity helps students match the first part of the proverb with its correct ending. Let’s break down each proverb with its […]
read more“Retrouvons nos amis” (Let’s Find Our Friends) is the first lesson in the CBSE 10th French textbook Entre Jeunes. It introduces characters from different cultural backgrounds, reinforcing vocabulary, grammar, and cultural understanding. This lesson focuses on: (Impoortant Note: To study this article – Always check your google translate tool in French) Here is […]
read moreRetrouvons nos amis, the first lesson in the CBSE 10th French book, includes an important activity called Chasse le mot intrus (Find the odd word). This activity helps students recognize word families and identify incorrect words in a group. Below, we explain the exercise with simple explanations and common mistakes students should avoid. What is […]
read moreMany students struggle with forming questions in French, but don’t worry! This guide will teach you the simplest way to find the right question for any sentence—even if you’re a complete beginner. ✅ 🔹 What is “Trouvez la Question”? 📌 In exams, you are given a sentence with part of it in parentheses ( […]
read moreOne of the most important and scoring topics in CBSE Class 10 French grammar is “Le Style Direct et Indirect” (Direct and Indirect Speech). But don’t worry—this guide will make it super easy for you! 🚀 🔹 What is Direct and Indirect Speech in French? 📌 Direct Speech (Le Style Direct) → When we repeat […]
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