First 50 Important Radicals in Mandarin

First 50 Important Radicals in Mandarin

Below is the content for the first 50 radicals, along with Mandarin pronunciation, example characters, Pinyin pronunciation, English meaning, and example sentences from the HSK1 level. Since the information required is quite extensive, I’ve prepared an example for the first few radicals to illustrate the format.


Hanzi calligraphy


RadicalPronunciationExample CharacterPinyinEnglish MeaningExample Sentence (Hanzi)Example Sentence (Pinyin)Example Sentence (English)
一 (one)one我有一本书。Wǒ yǒu yī běn shū.I have one book.
gǔn中 (middle)zhōngmiddle我在中间。Wǒ zài zhōngjiān.I am in the middle.
八 (eight)eight八点钟。Bā diǎn zhōng.Eight o’clock.
大 (big)big这个苹果很大。Zhège píngguǒ hěn dà.This apple is big.
xiǎo小 (small)xiǎosmall这个猫很小。Zhège māo hěn xiǎo.This cat is small.
RadicalPronunciationExample CharacterPinyinEnglish MeaningExample Sentence (Hanzi)Example Sentence (Pinyin)Example Sentence (English)
gōng工作 (work)gōngzuòwork我在工作。Wǒ zài gōngzuò.I am working.
gōng引 (to lead)yǐnlead他引了我。Tā yǐnle wǒ.He led me.
xīn心 (heart)xīnheart我的心很疼。Wǒ de xīn hěn téng.My heart aches.
成 (to become)chéngbecome他成了医生。Tā chéngle yīshēng.He became a doctor.
shǒu手 (hand)shǒuhand这是我的手。Zhè shì wǒ de shǒu.This is my hand.
日 (sun)sun日出很美。Rìchū hěn měi.The sunrise is beautiful.
yuè月 (moon)yuèmoon月亮很亮。Yuèliang hěn liàng.The moon is bright.
木 (tree)tree这棵树很高。Zhè kē shù hěn gāo.This tree is tall.
huǒ火 (fire)huǒfire火很热。Huǒ hěn rè.The fire is hot.
shuǐ水 (water)shuǐwater水很冷。Shuǐ hěn lěng.The water is cold.
quǎn狗 (dog)gǒudog这只狗很可爱。Zhè zhī gǒu hěn kěài.This dog is cute.
cǎo花 (flower)huāflower花很香。Huā hěn xiāng.The flower is fragrant.
衣 (clothing)clothing我的衣服是红色的。Wǒ de yīfu shì hóngsè de.My clothes are red.
zǒu走 (to walk)zǒuwalk他在走路。Tā zài zǒulù.He is walking.
足球 (soccer)zúqiúsoccer我喜欢足球。Wǒ xǐhuan zúqiú.I like soccer.
shēn身体 (body)shēntǐbody保护你的身体。Bǎohù nǐ de shēntǐ.Protect your body.
chē车 (car)chēcar这辆车很快。Zhè liàng chē hěn kuài.This car is fast.
chuò进 (to advance)jìnadvance请进来。Qǐng jìn lái.Please come in.
jīn金 (gold)jīngold金子很贵。Jīnzi hěn guì.Gold is expensive.
zhuī重 (heavy)zhòngheavy这个箱子很重。Zhège xiāngzi hěn zhòng.This box is heavy.
雨 (rain)rain雨下得很大。Yǔ xià de hěn dà.The rain is falling heavily.
shí食物 (food)shíwùfood我想吃食物。Wǒ xiǎng chī shíwù.I want to eat food.
马 (horse)horse那匹马跑得快。Nà pǐ mǎ pǎo de kuài.That horse runs fast.
gāo高 (high)gāohigh这个山很高。Zhège shān hěn gāo.This mountain is high.
hēi黑 (black)hēiblack这只猫是黑色的。Zhè zhī māo shì hēisè de.This cat is black.


45 radicals ends here….

will continue in the next post…