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🔥 “Crack CBSE French Grammar: Master Direct & Indirect Speech in Minutes! 🚀”

🔥 “Crack CBSE French Grammar: Master Direct & Indirect Speech in Minutes! 🚀”

One of the most important and scoring topics in CBSE Class 10 French grammar is “Le Style Direct et Indirect” (Direct and Indirect Speech). But don’t worry—this guide will make it super easy for you! 🚀

🔹 "French language learning notebook with grammar notes on direct and indirect speech, perfect for CBSE students studying French grammar."

📝 “Mastering Direct & Indirect Speech in French – Simplified for CBSE Class 10! 🚀 Learn the easiest tricks to ace this topic with confidence.”

🔹 What is Direct and Indirect Speech in French?

📌 Direct Speech (Le Style Direct) → When we repeat exactly what someone said, using quotation marks (“…”).
📌 Indirect Speech (Le Style Indirect) → When we report what someone said, without using quotation marks, and changing pronouns, tenses, and time expressions.

🔹 How to Convert Direct to Indirect Speech?

Step 1: Change the Reporting Verb

➡️ In direct speech, verbs like dire, demander, répondre, annoncer are used.
➡️ In indirect speech, these verbs introduce the reported sentence with que (that).

📢 Direct: Paul dit, “J’aime le football.” (Paul says, “I love football.”)
Indirect: Paul dit qu’il aime le football. (Paul says that he loves football.)

Step 2: Change Pronouns

Pronouns must match the speaker in indirect speech.

📢 Direct: Marie dit, “Je suis fatiguée.” (Marie says, “I am tired.”)
Indirect: Marie dit qu’elle est fatiguée. (Marie says that she is tired.)

Step 3: Adjust the Verb Tense (If Reporting in the Past)

In indirect speech (past reporting), verbs shift to past tenses.

Direct Speech (Présent)Indirect Speech (Imparfait)
“Je vais à l’école.”Il a dit qu’il allait à l’école.
“Nous mangeons.”Elle a dit qu’ils mangeaient.

📢 Direct: Lucas a dit, “Je veux une glace.” (Lucas said, “I want an ice cream.”)
Indirect: Lucas a dit qu’il voulait une glace. (Lucas said that he wanted an ice cream.)

Step 4: Change Time Expressions

Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
aujourd’hui (today)ce jour-là (that day)
demain (tomorrow)le lendemain (the next day)
hier (yesterday)la veille (the day before)

📢 Direct: Il a dit, “Je partirai demain.” (He said, “I will leave tomorrow.”)
Indirect: Il a dit qu’il partirait le lendemain. (He said he would leave the next day.)

🔹 Practice Sentences (Convert to Indirect Speech!)

1️⃣ Direct: Le professeur dit, “Vous avez bien travaillé.”
2️⃣ Direct: Mon ami m’a dit, “Je viendrai demain.”
3️⃣ Direct: Jean dit, “Nous allons au cinéma ce soir.”
4️⃣ Direct: Elle a dit, “J’ai fini mes devoirs.”
5️⃣ Direct: Pierre demande, “Tu veux un café ?”

Try converting these to indirect speech! ✍️

🚀 Final Tips to Score Full Marks!

Look for pronouns and change them!
Check the verb tense—shift it back in past reporting.
Don’t forget time expressions like demain → le lendemain!
Practice with past CBSE question papers.

With this simple trick, direct and indirect speech will be super easy for you! 🎯

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